How To Obtain Your Driving Licence Summary

As of June 2015, the paper counterpart to the photo card driving licence is no longer valid.

What does this means for Hirers?

You will need present a copy of your Driving Licence Summary obtained from the DVLA when hiring a vehicle. This must be obtained no more than 72 hours before the commencement of the hire.

How do Hirers obtain their Driving Licence Summary?

Below is a step by step guide to help you obtain your Driving Licence Summary.

How to Obtain Your Licence Summary

  1. Go to or Google search ‘DVLA share my licence’
  2. Enter your licence number, National Insurance number and postcode
  3. Tick the privacy notice box coloured blue and then Click ‘View Now’ at bottom of the page
  4. Click ‘Share your licence information’ tab at the top right hand side of the page
  5. Click ‘Create a Code’
  6. Click ‘View, print or save your licence information’ found just below your code
  7. Click ‘Open’ then ‘OK’
  8. Your licence summary will now appear on the screen
  9. Print or screen shot to present at time of hire

What do Hirers need to bring with them to hire a vehicle?

  • Full, valid Driving Licence
  • Photographic I.D. will be required with old style paper driving license.
  • Driving Licence Summary, obtained from DVLA no longer than 72 hours before commencement of the hire.
  • Two additional forms of identification, dated no older than three months, showing your name and current address.